The Indian Land Tenure Foundation (ILTF) engaged in a joint collaboration with an evaluation team and the Western Extension Risk Management Education Center to measure the long-term impacts of Federally Recognized Tribes Extension Programs (FRTEP) serving tribes around the United States. The project is part of the ongoing effort on the part of ILTF to sustain and build an established FRTEP account for the FRTEP program – independent of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA).
The project focused on identifying the successes FRTEP has had on 31 tribes around the United States. Using Ripple Effects Mapping (REM) and content analysis, the intent was to better understand how individuals, families, and tribal communities have been affected by receiving FRTEP funding. By documenting the impact FRTEP has had on tribal communities, outreach can be strengthened, and additional funds can be sought. The information will also be used to help validate the importance of the FRTEP program and why it is vital to the tribal communities being served.
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