The Federally Recognized Tribes Extension Program (FRTEP) is a successful tribal community outreach model focusing on agricultural productivity and youth development. This website provides information on FRTEP projects on reservations across Indian Country, highlighting the measurable impacts, success stories and sharing ideas. FRTEP offices are located on reservations and staff often partner with local communities, governments and institutions. Programs are developed through local objectives, reaching an audience that is often missed by broader extension efforts. FRTEP is often the gateway to success for other programs for farmers and ranchers and 4-H. Click the links below to read about the impacts FRTEP is making in tribal communities and efforts being made to strengthen and expand FRTEP programs.
Click here to see the “Indian Country Extension (ICE) Executive Summary” Report about efforts being made to strengthen and expand FRTEP programs.
Click here to read the “Mapping FRTEP Impacts in Indian Country” Report which uses Ripple Effects Mapping (REM) to measure success.
Farmer & Rancher
Delivering science-based, culturally relevant production, marketing and financial management information to help Indian producers becoming economically successful and help build Native Nation food security.
Tribal Youth & 4-H
Tribal 4-H club and community programs are delivered through a culturally adapted model for Native youth, providing a safe, positive environment, fostering healthy choices and sparking interest in agriculture.
Providing outreach programs to safeguard water quality, food system development, certify pesticide applicators, preserve traditional plants and facilitate community engagement and leadership.
Support tribal extension
Tribal extension serves a vital role in Indian Country, but federal funding of these efforts is never certain. Unlike county extension agents whose work is ensured by consistent government support, tribal extension funding is a competitive process on a two-year cycle. Your contribution can help sustain this important work long-term.